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Bush is a Dick

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The idiot in charge of our country was interviewed by Brit Hume yesterday. (I'm so surprised that FOX got him to sit down before any other channels!) Anyways, here's a quote from the interview regarding Tom DeLay's case and the prosecutor agains him.

HUME: You know a thing or two about Texas politics. What is your judgment of the prosecutor in the case, Ronnie Earle?

BUSH: I'm not going to go there, simply because I want — I want this trial to be conducted as fairly as possible. >And the more politics that are in it, the less likely it's going to be fair.

HUME: Do you just — do you believe he's innocent?

BUSH: Do I? Yes, I do.

Way to stay out of it, asshole.

Later, he went on to say he hopes DeLay will be cleared of charges that he illegally steered corporate money into campaigns for the Texas legislature and will reclaim his powerful leadership position in Congress.

"I hope that he will, 'cause I like him, and plus, when he's over there, we get our votes through the House," Bush told Fox News's Brit Hume.

It is highly unusual for a president to express an opinion on a pending legal case. Richard M. Nixon, for instance, was widely criticized for declaring Charles Manson "guilty, directly or indirectly" of murder while Manson's trial was ongoing.

Then the best part came. We got another Bushism. The subject of the Abramoff scandal came up and this is what he said:

"Secondly, the Abramoff -- I'm not, frankly, all that familiar with a lot that's going on over at Capitol Hill, but it seems like to me that he was an equal money dispenser, that he was giving money to people in both political parties."

How can you not be that familiar with something yet still have a something to say about it? And what the f*ck is an "equal money dispenser" anyhow?

2 Responses to “Bush is a Dick”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I can't believe they keep letting this on TV--even on Fox. Have you seen the Bush Buzzword game? Makes watching Bush speak a little easier.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I hadn't seen it. Thank you for the link!. If you like this site, tell a friend!

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