Now this is what you call "JUNK IN THE TRUNK!" I new she was packin', but I didn't know she was packin like this! The lovely Serena Williams.
No, I haven't seen it, nor do I intend to. Not that I have anything against gays. To each his own I always say. But I have no interest in seeing a "love story" about two dudes. That's just nasty to me, man. Just plain nasty. Not that there's anything wrong with that......
DT Money says: "I ain't no fudge packer".

Ever wonder what happened to "Paul Bearer"? Well, it seems that he became morbidly obese and had to undergo Gastric Bypass surgery just to save his life! Check out these before and after pics. Amazing stuff!

Here's a pick of my girl Serena. Is there anything finer? Not Many.