I didn't get my chocolate mits on an Xbox 360, so what did I do with those gift cards? Well, they've been burning a hole in my pocket for the last 30 days so I decided to set them free. I am the proud new owner of the new Sirius Radio S50 reciever! For those of you unfamiliar with this device, take a look at this link. http://www.sirius.com/gs/s50/.
Jealous, aren't you? This thing is AWESOME? Ever wanted to pause, record, fast forward, or rewind that song you were listening to on the radio? Well, now
I can! It can record up to 50 hours of Sirius programming and you can even download your own mp3 files from your pc! XM has a similiar product and theirs even has a built in reciever, but the thing is you can't get reception in doors so the built in reciever loses some of it's gloss. I would much rather have a smaller lighter unit, and compared to the XM version this thing is tiny! It's got to weigh less than 2 to 3 ounces and that's with the battery installed. I haven't had a lot of time to play with it yet, but I'm pretty sure it's a keeper.
There is one more benefit to me getting this new toy. You "Sizzletronics" are the proud new owner of my previous Sirius reciever!
And I'm even paying for your first year of service! The only caveat is that you must promise to install it right away. All you need to buy is a universal mounting bracket, and they can be found at Circuit City or Best Buy for about $19.99. I have everything you need, such as the antenna, car kit, remote, and ciggarete adapter. I am even throwing in my home adapter so you can hook it up to your home stereo. You've been a great friend over the years and this is just another way to show my thanks. Enjoy!
DT Money
Well, I gave it my best, but I guess my best wasn't good enough. Anyone know the name of the song and the artist that line came from? Hint: He's black. Anyway, I did everything but camp out in front of a retail store to get my mits on an Xbox 360 and today I'm giving up. I've burned up so much gas, spent countless hours loitering in stores, and placed at least 50 phone calls trying to get one, and now I'm burned out. If someone told me tomorow morning that I was guaranteed one if I showed up at Best Buy at 9:00 AM, I would take a pass. After reading countless reviews of the Xbox 360 launch and all of it's games, it occurred to me that this system may not be worth the hype after all. Which leads me to believe this "artificial shortage" was created by Microsoft to build excitement for a machine that may not have garnered this same excitment on it's own merits.
I'm sure that I will be able to walk into most retail stores in January and pick up a system, and while it may not be the "Premium", I will be able to say that I didn't fall for Microsofts tricks. Oh, and Microsoft, the PS3 is right around the corner, so maybe this shortage wasn't such a good idea afterall?
DT Money
So yesterday in Bush’s Iraq "Victory Plan" speech, he talked about a letter that was found on the laptop of Corporal Jeffrey B. Starr. Below is an excerpt of Bush’s speech.
"One of those fallen heroes is a Marine Corporal named Jeff Starr, who was killed fighting the terrorists in Ramadi earlier this year. After he died, a letter was found on his laptop computer. Here's what he wrote, he said, "[I]f you're reading this, then I've died in Iraq. I don't regret going. Everybody dies, but few get to do it for something as important as freedom. It may seem confusing why we are in Iraq, it's not to me. I'm here helping these people, so they can live the way we live. Not [to] have to worry about tyrants or vicious dictators_. Others have died for my freedom, now this is my mark."
Here is what FOX News will not tell you about Jeffrey B. Starr.
Cpl. Jeffrey B. Starr, rejected a $24,000 bonus to re-enlist. Corporal Starr believed strongly in the war, his father said, but was tired of the harsh life and nearness of death in Iraq. So he enrolled at Everett Community College near his parents' home in Snohomish, Wash., planning to study psychology after his enlistment ended in August.
But he died in a firefight in Ramadi on April 30 during his third tour in Iraq. He was 22.
Sifting through Corporal Starr's laptop computer after his death, his father found a letter to be delivered to the marine's girlfriend. "I kind of predicted this," Corporal Starr wrote of his own death. "A third time just seemed like I'm pushing my chances."
Already on his third tour by age 22. Think about that for a while.
So much for "returning diginity and morality to the White House." Yet another high ranking Republican succumbs to greed! I love it!
I am thinking about taking my next day off of work and going to have my name changed. I think I might change my middle name to "Precision". Sounds tight doesn't it? I might toss a few more names around before I go. Maybe "Lights Out". I don't know if I want the same name as a professional boxer. Who knows... I like "Never Cease" too. Here are a few names I am pondering. What do you think? Leave me a message with your feedback.
01) Precision
02) Lights Out
03) Never Cease
04) Sustain
05) Assault
06) Sustained Assault
07) Giver of Head Trauma
08) Taykashitt
09) Man-E-Faces
10) Herman
Published by Jamie Hunter.
What if I told you that the driver's license of every US cititzen is available for viewing on the internet? Sound too stupid to believe? Well check out this link. I would suggest that you click on the box to opt out of this "service" to have it removed for public viewing. You would think they would be smart enough to block out the Social Security Number, right? Wrong! Homeland Security at it's finest.