Published 12.03.2005 by Jamie Hunter | E-mail this post
Well, I gave it my best, but I guess my best wasn't good enough. Anyone know the name of the song and the artist that line came from? Hint: He's black. Anyway, I did everything but camp out in front of a retail store to get my mits on an Xbox 360 and today I'm giving up. I've burned up so much gas, spent countless hours loitering in stores, and placed at least 50 phone calls trying to get one, and now I'm burned out. If someone told me tomorow morning that I was guaranteed one if I showed up at Best Buy at 9:00 AM, I would take a pass. After reading countless reviews of the Xbox 360 launch and all of it's games, it occurred to me that this system may not be worth the hype after all. Which leads me to believe this "artificial shortage" was created by Microsoft to build excitement for a machine that may not have garnered this same excitment on it's own merits.
I'm sure that I will be able to walk into most retail stores in January and pick up a system, and while it may not be the "Premium", I will be able to say that I didn't fall for Microsofts tricks. Oh, and Microsoft, the PS3 is right around the corner, so maybe this shortage wasn't such a good idea afterall?
DT Money
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