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I Have a Grudge Too

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Ok Time to review a movie. I think I will start out with the biggest piece of crap I have ever paid $8.00 to see. This movie came out last week (Friday 13th) and was not pre-screened to critics. Now, there are all kinds of red flags that should have told me not to see this movie, including the fact that nobody got to see it in advance. Another flag is the fact that it was a sequel to a movie I really didn’t care much for in the first place. If you haven’t figured it out by the title of this post or by the clues yet, I am talking about The Grudge 2. Ok, let me preface this with my actual movie going experience. Friday night. 9:30PM. “Scary” movie debut. Rated PG-13. Guess what my theater was filled with? No idea? 17 year old girls who don’t know how to shut the f*ck up for more than 5 minutes. Now, I always allow for people to talk during trailers and sometimes through opening credits if they are set to music or there is nothing pivotal going on. I knew (to a degree) what I was getting into with this crowd because the last time I saw The Grudge two years ago, I had girls literally crying behind me. One actually had to go out in the hall because she couldn’t handle it. Anyways, getting back to the newest installment of this crapfest… The entire theater would not shut up. We asked the girls behind us to keep it down and the one girl actually said in a snide tone “I’ll try to”. About 10 minutes into the movie we walked out and got our money back. I’m not sure exactly why, but we chose to go to the 10:15 show. I wish something or someone would have changed my mind about it. God I wish that more now than before.

This movie sucks on an epic scale. Not that the first movie was any good. At all. I went to see it because it was a new release and I see a lot of movies when they come out. This one was definitely not as advertised. When I see a commercial on TV for this movie I get irate at how they marketed it. They are some kind of geniuses though. They actually make the movie look good/interesting/scary. I’m gonna get somewhat spoiler-ish here. Sarah Michelle Gellar is not in the movie nearly as much as indicated by the trailers. In fact, her name appears in the credits as “And Sarah Michelle Gellar”. AND? I knew right there that she was gonna be offed way to early.
What was it that made the movie so bad? It’s not the acting actually. It’s the boring and incomprehensible plot. I felt like I must have dozed off for twenty minutes. About 2/3 rd of the way through this, I looked at the people I was with and actually said “What am I missing?” I really did feel like I was lost and not in some “Oh, this will pay off in the end” kinda thing. Speaking of, there is a “reveal” at the end of this movie that really felt like it missed its mark. Kinda leaves you going “Oh seriously? That’s it?” The movie has a “reason” for telling the story the way it does, but it sure doesn’t come off very well. The pacing of this movie is so slow, it’s ridiculous. The movie feels like cheap and stupid excuses to show a pasty white Japanese kid scream like a cat or to showcase some broken neck ass woman with black hair that grows worse than in The Peanut Butter Solution. Oh, you’ve never heard of TPBS? Google that mug. Or Wiki it. I know that The Grudge 3 has already been greenlit. Arggh. I will never give money to this franchise again. Word of mouth will kill this movie dead in its tracks. I expect a drop-off of around 60% or so next weekend. As contrived as the Saw movies are, I feel like they are twice the series that this one is. At least Saw doesn’t pretend to be something it is not. I dare you to see this movie. If you do, you’ll notice that the commercials totally paint this movie in a different light.

All in all, this movie reminds of me a saying I heard once. There’s an old saying in Tennessee, I know its in Texas probably Tennessee too, that says ‘Fool me Once...shame on...shame on you...Fool me ah can’t get fooled again!

3 Responses to “I Have a Grudge Too”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Nice review Sizz. I actually enjoyed the first movie, but there's no way I'd pay to see a sequel of a horror movie. You lose dude.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Dt Money, Tell 'em why you mad son!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

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