A slightly different view of the same world.
Falwell the Piece of Crap
Published 12.09.2005 by Scott Webster | E-mail this post
Evangelical Church Minister Jerry Falwell's "Friend or Foe" Christmas Campaign urges public schools and private businesses to celebrate Christmas. According to Falwell and his supporters, anyone who hinders this celebration will face a lawsuit from one of his pro bono attorneys.
The campaign is led by Falwell and supported by Liberty Council's group of 750 lawyers and the Alliance Defense Fund's 800 attorneys, Christian groups and churches across the nation. It will rely on supporters to report "Grinch Stores" and "Grinch Cities" that refuse to acknowledge Christmas or elect to use phrasing that is not explicitly Christian.How about just letting people say, sing, or greet people whatever way they want to? You cannot force America to Christianitze. You cannot force people to say Merry Christmas if they do not want to. I personally say Merry Christmas to family and friends that I know (well). If it is someone I don’t know that well, I say Happy Holidays. Who knows what people find offensive? Who knows what people recognize or celebrate? Besides, lots of people celebrate two holidays this time of year if you include New Years. So, Happy Holidays happens to fit very well in that instance. Bruce Prescott, president of the Oklahoma Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, has postings about the Friend or Foe Campaign on his website."The Jesus of the Bible never saw a 'Christmas' tree and He never commanded anyone to make merchants greet people with a 'Merry Christmas,'" he wrote.It’s crap like this that polarizes America and Americans. If you’re not on my side, you are the enemy. And if you are the enemy, I’m gonna sue the shit out of you.George Grossman, professor at the UC Davis School of Law, said he feels the Friend or Foe campaign is divisive and unnecessary."This is supposed to be a time of goodwill to all," he said in an e-mail interview. "Yet Falwell chose this time to make a gesture of hostility toward other religions. Extending 'Happy Holidays' greetings are a good-hearted gesture to all religions. What Falwell is saying is that 'We Christians are predominant, so we're the only ones who should count.'"Read the rest of this article here.
Why I say Merry Christmas.