A slightly different view of the same world.
I don’t have a problem with wire-taps in general. I believe that, with a warrant, the United States should be able to listen in on conversations or read emails involving people living in the US and people outside of the country. There are a few caveats though. I did not say US citizens. I said people living in the US. Also, it must be with a warrant. No matter how bad a person is, you still must abide by the laws of the Constitution when dealing with them. Nobody, including the President should be able to override that. Especially in a time of war. This is when things need to be done perfectly. And third, it must be done in limited scope. You can’t just monitor every single form of communication that a person has. That is also an infringement (in my opinion) of their rights as a human being. A human being. This brings me to the next point. The Bush administration has taken over 19,000 warrant requests to FISA. Guess how many have been turned down. Less than 15. Do the math. They have turned down .0007894% of them. And, if all of the surveillance targeted only people associated with al Qaeda, as the administration claims, it would have been easily approved by the FISA court. That process would not have delayed the surveillance since a warrant can be obtained up to 72 hours after the surveillance starts.Bush’s administration says this surveillance is justified because it made us safer. WRONG. The program has made us less safe by needlessly complicating the prosecution of terrorist suspects. Watch to see how many “terrorists” cases are going to tie up our courts system. Way to go, asshole.
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