A slightly different view of the same world.

Stay Classy

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I was at the gas station this morning on my way to work. This girl came in who appeared to be about 23 years old. She walked over to the register and purchased a pack of cigarettes. Now, my guess is that she was on her way to school being that Stark State is blocks away. She proceeded to pay for her pack of smokes with nickels. NICKELS.  Keep in mind that it is 8:30AM.  How much do you really need to smoke this morning? How much do you really need to smoke, period? It amazes me that no matter how broke someone is they always have money to buy cigarettes. Check it out sometime. Look at the dirtiest, grossest person you can find. Chances are, they are smoking. Want more proof? Watch who walks up to buy cigarettes at the gas station. No money for food. No money for entertainment. But they always have money to smoke. Look at how many disabled people are smoking. I’m like, “Dude, you already have a strike against you by having to sit in the wheelchair. Why would you want to make life harder?   Or shorter?"  Look at the people who sit in front of their television all day long watching Wheel of Fortune and MASH reruns.  I bet you a million dollars that their house reeks of nicotine and the walls are covered with tar.  Assholes.

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