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Makers of What? Poop?

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David Spade, Rob Schneider, and Jon Heder are Benchwarmers. When I first heard about this movie, I got pretty excited. I thought to myself something along the lines of "This movie ought to be pretty damn funny." My first impressions from the trailer are:

  1. Jon Heder acts a little too much like his Napoleon Dynamite character.

  2. This movie is probably going to have too much “heart”.

  3. I hope that I have not seen all of the “funny parts" already.

1 Responses to “Makers of What? Poop?”

  1. Blogger Jamie Hunter 

    John Heder's career is all but over. He will never be able to escape the shadows of Napoleon. For better or worse he is Napoleon Dynamite for the rest of his life!

    There is one way out. Go the route of Elija Wood. I thought he was always be Froto, but after seeing him in Sin City....well let's just say that he is no longer just Froto Bagguns to me. Check that movie out. His character is awesomely wicked!

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