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Hypothetical Situation

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You have the day off. So does your best friend. Together, you have $30.00 in cash burning a hole in your pockets. You also have a full tank of gas. Where do you go and how do you spend the money?

2 Responses to “Hypothetical Situation”

  1. Blogger Jamie Hunter 

    I would buy 30 Mega Millions lottery tickets, and spend the day playing Xbox, Game Cube, and PS2 games with my pal.

  2. Blogger Scott Webster 

    I think I might buy a DVD that I want. I'd make a day out of it thought. I'd probably do a road trip to Cleveland or Columbus. Any leftover money would be spent on road trip junk food like beef jerky,Fritos Twists, Vanilla Coke, and heroin. Everyone knows that days are much better when you're on the horse.

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