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You Sank My Battleship!

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If you don't want to read this whole thing, then I will summarize.


...But those close to the probe tell RAW STORY that Fitzgerald obtained documentary evidence showing that other unrelated calls transferred to Rove’s office by the switchboard were logged. He then called Ralston back to testify.

Earlier this month, attorneys say Fitzgerald received additional testimony from Ralston -- who said that Rove instructed her not to log a phone call Rove had with Cooper about Plame in July 2003...

...Ralston also provided Fitzgerald with more information and “clarification” about several telephone calls Rove allegedly made to a few reporters, including syndicated columnist Robert Novak, the lawyers said.

Two things are clear, the sources said: either Rove will agree to enter into a plea deal with Fitzgerald or he will be charged with a crime, but he will not be exonerated for the role he played in the leak...

EDIT: Sorry, had to shorten the article for people on mobile devices. Plus, there was way too much in the post anyways.

To read an entire article relevant to this post, click here.

1 Responses to “You Sank My Battleship!”

  1. Blogger Jamie Hunter 

    Great news, but what really sucks is that all of these players will be pardoned in 3 years when the Bush regime leaves office. What a shame.

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